Camphill has partnered with Departments of Sustainability Sciences & Biology, Education and Graduate Studies at Lakehead University to work on major research projects to help shape our programs and continue to support people with disabilities.
At Camphill we are always looking for ways to improve our services and create opportunities for supported persons to be active members in valuable projects and work. We have forged an interdisciplinary partnership with the Departments of Sustainability Sciences & Biology, Education and Graduate Studies at Lakehead University. As active members of the research team, we are currently working alongside professors and graduate students on 2 major research projects.
The first project is working towards the socio-ecological resilience and sustainability of our maple syrup operation in the face of global climate change. Through this project we are developing adaptation strategies so that we can continue to offer meaningful opportunities for adults with disabilities, generate sustainable revenue, and be leaders in regional innovation well into the future.
Our second research project is an exploration of well-being at Camphill. Through this research project we are exploring the potential benefits and outcomes of our day programs, including our pottery, woodshop, and arts programs, bakery, agricultural/animal husbandry program, and maple syrup social enterprise. Through meaningful, active participation in the research process we will have a body of research to help shape our programs and share with other Camphill and disability services organizations.