Environmental Stewardship
We have a long history of environmental stewardship at Camphill, supporting the responsible use and protection of our land, safeguarding the environment and natural resources for future generations. Through our commitment to environmental stewardship we are:
• Collectively protecting our land and the environment
• Sustainably managing our forests by making decisions and activities based on scientific research, rigorous planning processes and standards
• Providing a safe and ethical approach to animal care, including breeding practices, farming and the care of farm animals such as highland cattle, goats, horses, and donkeys
• Fostering holistic connections between the land, animals, and individuals at Camphill
Sustainable Agriculture
We follow biodynamic principles, a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. Adhering to biodynamic agricultural practices ensures:
· The vitality of the earth, the integrity of our food, and the health and wholeness of our communities
· High quality produce, nourishing our local communities
· The sustainability of our crops as they build resiliency to weather extremes, pests and diseases, feeding the community for years to come
· Community connections through knowledge sharing and partnerships to support food security in Simcoe County