2023-2024 Annual Report
Joint Chairpersons’ Statement
Camphill Communities Ontario and Camphill Foundation Canada can feel proud of the work and changes that have taken place this past year. Together we have been able to move forward with many of the goals of our combined Strategic Plan 2021-2026. We could not have done it without the support and caring contributions of all the wonderful staff, family, and volunteers.
After the Covid lockdowns Camphill has come running full steam ahead with the Annual Christmas Market, traditional Spring Fair, and Maple Syrup Festival. Day programs are in full swing and life is getting back to normal for everyone. This fall Camphill will be hosting the Camphill Association North America meetings. This will be an exciting opportunity to show other Camphills what we have to offer as well as continuing to strengthen our relationship with the CANA membership.
Lots of new building is going on. Across from the greenhouses we are having a new office built. This will allow for more office space and be a welcome point for those coming to Camphill. Once this is completed it will open space at the old office for new living spaces, a two bedroom home, which will allow for smaller living arrangements at the Algoma location. After structural assessments were made on the home in Barrie at 42 Park St.—gifted to us by the late Terry Kirk—it was determined that our best option was to tear down the existing house and build a new accessible home. The new build will provide support for 2 persons and indirectly leads to the creation of new individualized settings for 4 other persons. The estimated completion date is March 2025.
Our partnership with Habitat for Humanity is ongoing. This partnership will allow Camphill to create multiple new living spaces for Supported Individuals, and support our local community by providing affordable housing.
The role of raising new funds for ongoing projects and needs continues to be a focus for both organizations. In order to facilitate more financial and renovation flexibility for CCO and more fundraising focus for CFC, CFC will be “gifting” the newly acquired real estate properties to Camphill. The commitment to the ongoing dynamic and positive relationship between our two organizations has strengthened our fundraising successes this year and in the years to come. This is leading to even better options and lifestyle opportunities for the people we support.
We sincerely thank all Individuals supported at Camphill, families, staff and fellow volunteers for your ongoing and continued support and commitment to the ideals of Camphill. Together we keep on making Camphill a great place. Thank you again.
With warm regards,
Barry Shimmons, Chair of The Board, Camphill Communities Ontario
Noreen MacDonald, Chair of the Board, Camphill Foundation Canada
Annual Report Cover Photo
Karaoke with friends
Touring Barrie Fire Hall 1
Spring Fair