Day Services
Camphill offers day services that foster personal development and social inclusion for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Land activities
We have robust land programs that combine several areas of activity, including animal husbandry, hay and pasture management, forest management, and biodynamic/organic agriculture. Our land programs provide opportunities for many different recreational and work experiences, from growing vegetables and preparing them for market, to making maple syrup, caring for animals, and developing products that use the ingredients from our land.
Creative & Fine Arts
In Camphill we encourage individual expression and creativity. The handcrafts created in our communities are not only useful but are often works of art as well. We have several artistic spaces that supported individuals create from, including our woodshop, pottery, mosaic, fibre arts and fine art studio.
Food Preparation/Life Skills
In our homes, in the café/studio space, and in the day program café in Barrie, there are opportunities to learn to cook, bake, and do many household tasks as well. A good preparation for more independent living.
Vocational Support
Camphill can help find and facilitate supported employment, volunteer opportunities and recreational programs for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Art Studio 7 Florence St, Barrie ON, L4N 1X6
Café 87 Toronto St, Barrie ON, L4N 1V1
With generous support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Camphill has adapted and expanded several day services.