Personal Outcome Measures
Person-Directed Planning, also known as person-centred planning, grew out of a commitment to inclusion as a social goal and was consciously designed as an inclusive process.
It is the process of setting goals, developing strategies and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the goals. It is a way of organizing around one person to support them in defining and creating a better future.
Camphill is fully committed to person-directed planning. Through its accreditation with the Council on Quality and Leadership, Camphill utilizes a proven framework for quality monitoring and enhancement through person-centred, internationally recognized approaches. Camphill uses CQL’s Personal Outcome Measures to guide its service delivery and best meet the needs of the individuals it supports. These 21 Personal Outcome Measures are a person-centered discovery process, exploring the presence, importance, and achievement of outcomes, along with the supports that help people achieve those outcomes. Through the Personal Outcome Measures, people receiving services share what really matters to them, including their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Camphill can then use that information to better focus services and improve the quality of people’s lives.
My Human Security
People are safe
People are free from abuse and neglect
People have the best possible health
People experience continuity and security
People exercise rights
People are treated fairly
People are respected
My Community
People use their environments
People live in integrated environments
People interact with other members of the community
People participate in the life of the community
My Relationships
People are connected to natural support networks
People have friends
People have intimate relationships
People decide when to share personal information
People perform different social roles
My Choices
People choose where and with whom they live
People choose where they work
People choose services
My Goals
People choose personal goals
People realize personal goals